Safety At Home...
Below are our articles on the subject of Safety At Home. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Child Proof Your Home
Or should that be “Home-proof your child”? When children begin to wriggle along in their nappies, it’s time to look for potential disasters. Almost half of all kids’…...

Doorstep Safety
It’s your doorstep, so why do people think they can intrude whenever they feel like ringing the bell? From cold callers to fraudsters, anyone can turn up on your…...

Fire Safety At Home
We’re all taught basic fire safety at school, but those days are a distant memory… How should you escape from a first-floor room? What do you do if a saucepan catches…...

Home Protection System
Last year 733,000 homes in the UK were burgled – that’s two in every hundred. What can you do to reduce your risk and stay safe at home? In this article we look at the…...

Personal Safety And DIY
Planning an exciting DIY project? Writing a shopping list of all the tools and gadgets you want? Don’t forget the goggles. DIY accidents aren’t rare, and protective…...

Personal Safety In The Bathroom
Every year, around 88,000 of us suffer an injury in a home bathroom. A few safety measures could reduce the risk substantially – but it’s amazing how many of us…...

Personal Safety In The Home
It’s a fact: you are twenty times more likely to suffer a fatal accident at home than to win the National Lottery (RoSPA). In the UK, 2.7 million people suffer a…...

Personal Safety in the Kitchen
How safe is your kitchen? Do you follow safety instructions by the book or is your approach more slap-dash? Take our quick Personal Safety quiz and determine the…...

Personal safety products
This article looks at some of the personal security products available on the open market...

Pet Proof Your Garden
Are you considering getting a puppy or kitten? Make your garden a safe place for them using our pet-proofing guide. From dog loos to scratching posts, equip your…...

Preparing For a Flood
The recent UK floods caught many households by surprise. There’s little you can do to prevent the devastating waters, but preparing your family and your home will help…...

Preparing For Disaster
Unlikely as it seems, Britain is on the highest terror alert. Government advisors have warned that it could be ten or twenty years before the country is off alert.…...

Preventing A Break In
What takes a burglar minutes to achieve could take you weeks to sort out. Home burglary can be a very traumatic experience. But, because most home burglaries are…...

Telephone Safety
Which? has recently named telephone scams as the UK’s top con, with one in every three adults receiving a fraudulent telephone call or message. Stay safe, stay aware,…...