Safety at Work...
Below are our articles on the subject of Safety at Work. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Asbestos Risks
For centuries, asbestos has been used in building projects all over the world. Convenient, strong and heat-resistant, it is a naturally-occurring substance – with…...
First Aid at Work
Whether you employ two thousand people or work alone at home, the First Aid Regulations (1981) apply to you. Here is an overview of your obligations – for a detailed…...
Health and Safety for Homeworkers
Did you know that, even if you work at home, you have obligations under the Health and Safety Act? Here’s an introduction to basic home safety for the self-employed…...
Health and Safety in the Office
Office workplaces are defined as low-risk. Accident levels are comparatively low, and risks are scarce. However, all employers have obligations under the Health and…...
Personal Safety and Lone Working
Take sensible precautions to ensure your personal safety when lone working....
Preventing Stress at Work
Stress, depression and anxiety are real problems for the British workforce. We lost around 13 million work days to stress-related illness in 2007. It may be common,…...
Using PC Equipment Safely
The advice to “stay safe” at work doesn’t just apply to warehouse and plant operatives. Even if you work with computer equipment, there could be unseen problems…...
Working at Height Regulations
What does a window-cleaner, outdoor activities leader, and scaffold-builder have in common? They all need to comply with the Working at Height Regulations. If you’re…...